Accomplish Your Mission: A Plan of Action.
Determine and Set Business priorities and mission. $ Develop a Strategic Plan to accomplish the priorities and mission. $ Turn the Strategy into Action Items (goals with deadlines) to accomplish same. Do this periodically,on-going (because life is dynamic and things change) use your business strategy to create action items, the accomplishment of which, will move you closer to the achievement of your mission. $ Be Different and Better: be sure to have an offering (product, service, or skill base) that is different and/or better than the offerings of others in your industry/profession. $ Out-execute and out-work the competition – seek to be the leader in your field. $ Remove Marketing Limitations; regularly brainstorm and enact new ideas; aim for excellence in marketing; be the leader. $ Focus on achieving excellence: institute and maintain adherence to policies that support “a cut above” performance. $ Stay Sharp and Continue to Continue reading