Accomplish Your Mission: A Plan of Action.

  1. Determine and Set Business priorities and mission.
  2. Develop a Strategic Plan to accomplish the priorities and mission.
  3. Turn the Strategy into Action Items (goals with deadlines) to accomplish same.  Do this periodically,on-going (because life is dynamic and things change) use your business strategy to create action items, the accomplishment of which, will move you closer to the achievement of your mission.
  4. Be Different and Better: be sure to have an offering (product, service, or skill base) that is different and/or better than the offerings of others in your industry/profession.
  5. Out-execute and out-work the competition – seek to be the leader in your field.
  6. Remove Marketing Limitations; regularly brainstorm and enact new ideas; aim for excellence in marketing; be the leader.
  7. Focus on achieving excellence: institute and maintain adherence to policies that support “a cut above” performance.
  8. Stay Sharp and Continue to Get Better: keep your eyes and ears open for ways to improve your business; set up a systematic, scheduled process for enduring improvement;  on-going, improve your practice, process and delivery systems.
  9. Never forget, performance is everything!
  10. Daily thoughts and actions that move you in the direction of your goal are the keys to success.  Discipline yourself to do what it takes to achieve your mission.  And frequently ask yourself, does this thought or act move me closer to my goal?

“Nothing happens until something moves.”

–Albert Einstein

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